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BMS Engineers Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a simple text file that stores browsing information, such as your site preferences and profile information. A cookie only stores the information that you voluntarily give when you visit a website. Other than the address of the website that created the cookie, very little information is stored inside them. Because of this a cookie cannot grab sensitive information about you such as your name, date of birth or any other personal information.

About Cookies

  • Cookies are harmless.
  • It is not possible for a cookie to transmit viruses to your computer.
  • Information stored in cookies are usually encrypted.
  • Cookies are not Spyware. Spyware programs secretly record your activities on your computer without you knowing about it. A cookie simply stores your website surfing information.

Does BMS Engineers use Cookies?

Yes. Cookies are used on almost all websites, including this one.

Why does BMS Engineers use Cookies?

We use encrypted cookies to tell the browser who is currently logged into the website. Without cookies, the information you give to us would not be protected.

What type of Cookies do we use?

Persistent cookies and session cookies. Persistent cookies are used when you log in and tick the Stay signed in box. This enables your details to be remembered when you revisit the site so you do not have to reenter your login details. Do not tick this box if you are using a public computer. Session cookies are used when you do not click the Stay signed in box. This means your login information only stays on your computer for a short period of time before it is lost.

Further reading

If you would like to learn more about cookies, you can visit Wikipedia.